What is Libros Con-Sientes?

It is a social and educational project with the aim of awakening and motivating the love of reading, literacy, reconnecting with ancestral wisdom and the native language. We seek to eliminate the digital divide, geographical, social and economic barriers by bringing democratization and digital literacy, information, knowledge, training, entertainment and fantasy in education, through books, ICT tools (Information and Communication Technologies) and innovative pedagogical models such as STEAM and/or others to the most remote areas of each country that are compromised by the lack of development opportunities and complementary educational programs that include soft skills and emotional intelligence development.

a girl reading happily qhary, yaccu book - libros con-sientes
Through reading we open doors to knowledge and the world, we give wings to inspiration and imagination, curiosity and reconnection with the ancestral wisdom of every girl, boy, youth and adult living in rural and disadvantaged areas.
The democratization and digital literacy in education allows those who participate in the learning process to take ownership of it, acquiring a new way of communicating, creating and understanding information.

How do we do it?

We will promote the construction of MUYUY Eco-libraries in the most vulnerable areas of Latin America and the world, which will have free access to books, bilingual educational and audiovisual material; As well as spaces of accompaniment where circles will arise to encourage, from the playful, artistic and ICT tools , the love of reading and the recovery of the oral tradition of their legends, stories, ancestral knowledge and the native language. Likewise, we intend to create a virtual archive and visual memories for the co-creation of a book and audiovisual material in collaboration with the local natives.

Travel is, from our experience, education in movement and probably one of the best schools of life. We took this inspiration to create this initiative: "The Traveling Caravan", composed of pedagogues, librarians, holistic therapists,social workers, artists, local, national and foreign volunteers, who are and will be responsible for sustaining the spaces through love, art, play and reflection to reconnect with the magic of reading, motivated by the hope that lies in the hearts of all those who wait for an opportunity to transform their lives.

a teacher teaching children gladly and patiently - libros con-sientes
This project is based on love, trust, art, respect and instituting civic values in the community.

Why on Amantani Island?

The project is being developed in the community of Occosuyo, one of the 10 communities of Amantani Island (Pueblo, Sancayuni, Occosuyo, Santa Rosa, Lampayuni, Incatiana, Villa Orinojon, Colquecachi, Alto Sancayuni and Occopampa), located in the district of the same name, province and department of Puno, Peru. The area has an altitude of 3817 m.a.s.l., on the shores of Lake Titicaca.

From the trips we made to Amantani Island, we witnessed the social problems in education in that place: low reading comprehension in children and adolescents under 17 years old, illiteracy in people between 15 and 65 years old, low access to literacy in older adults, malnutrition that affects the behavioral-cognitive development and school performance of children under 5 years old, progressive loss of connection with their ancestral wisdom and the native language, lack of opportunities after finishing or leaving school, and little or no access to the internet and ICT tools.

two boys learning to write gladly in Amantani Island, Peru - libros con-sientes

Who will benefit?

Libros Con-Sientes will benefit the entire population of the island, regardless of age or gender, including 565 children and adolescents between 3 and 17 years old and 92 men and women between 15 and 65 years old enrolled in the Alternative Basic Education Program (EBA) of the 10 communities that make up the Amantani Island, Puno, Peru.

The reality we want to change and strengthen:

- Attending schools: 565 children and adolescents between 3 and 17 years old and 92 men and women between 15 and 65 years old enrolled in the Alternative Basic Education Program (EBA).

Source: District Municipality of Amantaní. (2019)

- Children under 17 years old with reading comprehension difficulties represent 60% of the population attending schools in Amantani Island (universe: 565 children and adolescents).

Source: District Municipality of Amantani. (2019)

When will the project be implemented? 

Libros Con-Sientes began to be implemented in January 2021. Thanks to the Cooperation Alliance with the German organization La Balanza e.V., who finance Phase I : Phase of Sensitization, Intercultural Mediation and Field Coordination to Phase VI : internal and external Muralization of MUYUY Eco-library.

What are the phases of the project?

Libros Con-Sientes consists of 2 cycles and their phases:


I Phase of sensitization, intercultural mediation and field coordination (transversal to all phases)..

II Phase of identification and empowerment of local leaders and guardians of the project (transversal to all phases).

III Phase of call for Volunteers and the "Traveling Caravan" (transversal to all phases).

IV Phase of management of Alliances and Cooperation funds (transversal to all phases).

V Phase of design, construction and final finishes of MUYUY Eco-library.

VI Phase of internal and external Muralization of MUYUY Eco-library.

VII Phase of Implementation and Refurbishment of MUYUY Eco-library.

VIII Phase of inauguration of MUYUY Eco-library.

IX Phase of Accompaniment Circles, educational workshops, meetings and active community participation in MUYUY Eco-library.

X Phase of refurbishment, implementation and conditioning of the Base Center and the houses of the families that host Volunteers.

Which Cycle and Phase of the Project are we in?

We are currently looking for strategic allies and funding resources to develop the VII Phase of Implementation and refurbishment of MUYUY Eco-library.




What is Libros Con-Sientes in DESAFÍO SIED LATAM?

For more information about this project, you can visit the following link:

children and voluntaries eating joyfully in Amantani Island, Peru - libros con-sientes

"Affective Education is Effective Education"

Join us, Walk and Weave with Muyuy!

*  Photos from Libros Con-Sientes 2021