Muyuy Schools are the heart, engine and essence of our organization. We co-create and build warm spaces, friendly and sustainable for Mother Earth to provide free education based on love, freedom, integration and transformation for both children and women guardians, who assume the role of companions, in their roles as heads of households, mothers, aunts, grandmothers, sisters, among others.
Our goal is to sow a network of conscious schools around the world and weave networks to co-create spaces of love and multidisciplinary exchange that sow the reconnection with the being and the ancestral wisdom.
Each child and young person assumes the role of companion and facilitator in the process of strengthening the spiritual connection of each one and in the natural evolution of the awakened consciousness of children under 5 years old who have not yet acquired a programming of the environment that disintegrates from its true essence. As a result of this synergy we promote the integral development of the being.
This cohesion includes women in their role as companions and facilitators in the process of the awakening of consciousness and the re-empowerment of the sacred feminine and everyone who resonates with this initiative.