Sowing the first seed: pilot experience of the "Muyuy School Network" in Amantaní Island

By Karin Zárate (Kantu) - Jun 30, 2021

Muyuy Team , guardians, voluntaries and children at the workshop in the pilot of the Muyuy school network

The magical Amantaní Island summoned the union of the "Muyuy" tribe, who, convinced of seeing their dreams be born there, gave rise to one of the most unforgettable and pleasant experiences. This dream crystallized with the selfless support of two souls who resonated with the mission and who are considered the parents of "Muyuy Tejiendo Tribu": Carla Pedrazzini (Switzerland) and Thomas Wallstein (Germany).

In addition to the founders Ladoyska, Karen and Kantu, accompanied in this journey beautiful beings of light committed to the mission: Alexa, Abel, Juan Carlos, Mariola, Benito, Alessandra, Juan, Yudith, Jackeline, Edgar and Ariana, who bet without rationalizing for this adventure of love and service.

They all met a few hours before traveling to Puno at the Cusco bus terminal, where they connected their hearts that had just met. They arrived in Puno at dawn, then headed to Capachica, from where they boarded the boats to finally reach the island.

At the port of Amantani Island, they were greeted with great joy by their friends and allies Alexa and Abel Mamani Calsin, who took them to the home of their mother Anselma, who was waiting for them with a delicious breakfast.

Before starting the first day of the workshop, around noon, the group made a "circle of love" to entrust themselves to their ancestors, to the spiritual guardians of the magical island and to all the magic of life itself that made it possible for them to be and to be at that moment.

Then, the great moment arrived, the "Muyuy Tejiendo Tribu" team carried out the pilot plan for the "Muyuy Schools", planting the first seed on Amantani Island. There was great expectation on the part of the 65 pre-registered children and their families to know what they had prepared for them; the children were very enthusiastic, the girls and boys, accompanied by their parents, attended our two-day simultaneous workshops on art therapy, eco-crafts, biodance, theater, toy library, tutoring and library, conscious eating (healthy cooking) and women's circle.

At the end of the workshops, it was reaffirmed throughout the tribe that the language of the heart is universal and that the sparkle in the eyes of the girls and boys was the light of hope. Undoubtedly, the participants on Amantani Island experienced something different that touched their hearts, the seed of the new dawn that we will weave together as a tribe.


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"Seeing with the heart"


Alexa Mamani Calsin: GUARDIAN of the first seed of Libros Con-Sientes Project and the "Muyuy Schools Network"